Thomas Lachocki, Ph.D
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 1983 – 1988 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry; minor Analytical Chemistry
Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA, B.S. Chemistry 1979-1983
Executive Legacy, llc, CEO, Colorado Springs, CO 8-2018- present
It is my professional goal to lead and assist organizations to achieve financial and profit growth while benefiting mankind.
National Swimming Pool Foundation, CEO, Colorado Springs, CO 2003-2018
Turned around educational publisher and achieved growth from $1 million (2003) to $5.6 million (2018). As a
result, we helped more people live happier, healthier and safer lives. We delivered educational programs to over 41,000 industry professionals in 70 countries in 2018 to help them:
Prevent disease, drowning, chemical exposure, suction entrapment and injuries
Design, engineer, build and service better aquatic facilities, swimming pools and spas
Promote the benefits of immersion and aquatic activity
BioLab, Inc., Dir. of Product Development, Decatur, GA 1994-2003
Supported 11 U.S. and international businesses delivering innovative products. New product sales increased from $34 million (1994) to $150 million (2003). Coordinated efforts with domestic and international Marketing, Sales, Manufacturing, Regulatory Affairs, outside researchers and vendors. Guided intellectual property efforts that yielded over 10 patents that created a competitive barrier of 90%+ of new product sales. Helped establish home-care business and assisted merger/acquisition assessments.
Vista Chemical Co. (now Sasol), Research Chemist, Austin, TX 1988-1994
Exploratory research, market development, and technical support in technology fields including surfactants,
lubricants solvents, thickeners, and catalyst supports.
Paragon Award the International Swimming Hall of Fame: 2017
Blue Mind Award for promoting the benefits of being in, on, around or under the water: 2017
Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code Service Award: 2017
“Power 25, Most Influential People in Aquatics,” Aquatics International Magazine: 2005, 2009, & 2012
“Guardian of the Year,” Angels of America’s Fallen: 2016
Board of Directors for the National Drowning Prevention Alliance: 2010 - 12
Board of Trustees, Northeast Spa & Pool Association Foundation: 2009 - 18
Book Editor / Expert – 13 plus edition revisions
Patents – 8
Publications - 67
Keynotes, Presentations, & Lectures – 79
TV/Radio Appearances – 5
Published Quotes from Interviews – 700+​
Two passionate adult sons
Camino de Santiago (2019); approximately 580 mile hike
SSI Scuba Certification (2013)
Borneo International Marathon (May 2011); Denver Marathon (October 2010)
Skiing, capable of black diamond (2008 – present)
American Taekwondo Association – First Degree Black Belt 2004​